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Diet & Nutrition Fitness

Are plant based vitamins better?

You get a better absorption of vitamins and minerals that come from plants. Plant-based vitamins and minerals are better assimilated by the organism. For example, up to 150% improvement in the assimilation of vitamins B3 and B6! Vitamins and minerals derived from plants are associated with natural complexes called co-nutrients.

Synthetic vitamins and minerals and those that are plant based may have different chemical structures and are not assimilated in the same way. The vitamins and minerals extracted from plants are associated with other natural compounds present in plants, called co-nutrients. Plus health supplements containing vitamins and minerals from plants can be taken for extended periods without any harm.

Today, the interest of vitamins and minerals is scientifically recognised. Their indisputable benefits for our health are at the root of the growing daily use of multivitamin health supplements. Generally, a healthy, balanced diet provides the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals. However, physiological situations or the modern lifestyle filled with stress, lack of sleep and work overload can restrict this intake. So to complement our diet, it is therefore possible to take multivitamin health supplements to provide us with the nutrients that we need.

Research consistently shows that synthetic nutrients are no replacement for a healthy, balanced diet. Getting natural nutrients from whole foods is always the better option. However, if you are truly deficient in a specific nutrient, then taking a supplement can be beneficial. Preferably a plant based vitamins.

For years, the belief that plant based food can be replaced by a few chemicals has misguided consumers, physicians and researchers. but if plant based vitamins are so vastly superior to synthetic ones, why have synthetic vitamins dominated our fortified foods and dietary supplements for the last 100 years?  It is believed that the failure of synthetics could be explained by the absence of the complete complex contained in the plant extracts.

Although many early physicians and researchers recognized the superiority of plant-extracted vitamins,, those who advocated their use in patients were ridiculed by the FDA for prescribing crude, non-standardized treatments. In addition, food-extracted vitamins suffered from batch-to-batch variability and a short shelf-life, which made scientific reproducibility difficult for researchers.  Eventually, synthetic vitamins became the preferred source due to their consistent potency and widespread availability. 

After two decades of damaging research, the faith in vitamin supplements for disease prevention started to disappear among the research community. Unfortunately researchers have failed to clarify one key point. The harmful effects from dietary supplements and vitamins only apply to synthetic and isolated vitamins. The synthetic and isolated vitamin supplements administered in many publicized human clinical trials differ greatly from the vitamins extracted from fruits and vegetables as do the health outcomes.

On the Supplement Facts panel, synthetic and isolated vitamins are easily spotted by the listing of a single vitamin compound, especially when no plant or food source for the vitamin is listed. The compound may be found next to the vitamin line, or in the other ingredients section of the packaging. True plant based vitamins can be identified by finding the listing of a specific plant source. For example; “Vitamin A, as beta-carotene from carrot extract would qualify as plant-based and would naturally contain a broad-spectrum of other carotenoids. 

So you need to be aware that many vitamin supplements on the market, especially multivitamins, claim to be from whole-foods but a careful analysis of the supplemental facts often reveals that these products contain synthetic vitamins in disguise. So be careful and do your research when deciding which vitamins to go with. Asking your doctor is a very good idea. Don’t be fooled!!!

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