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The Importance of Rhinoplasty and Its Recovery Process

Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure performed on the nose to correct or change the shape of the nose. Most patients are motivated to get a rhinoplasty for improved breathing, relief from snoring, or better aesthetics.

The upper part of the nose is made up of bone, while the lower part furthest from the face is bony tissue called cartilage. During a rhinoplasty, the bone, cartilage, and skin can all be altered by making precise cuts and reducing or adding cartilage. Usually, cartilage is obtained from the septum, ear lobe, or ribcage.

How Much Will a Rhinoplasty Cost?

Rhinoplasty is rarely covered by insurance. The only exception is when the procedure is performed for functional concerns. 

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, if your insurance does not cover the rhinoplasty procedure, you may have to pay over $5,483. Additional charges will include surgeon fees, hospital fees, and the anesthesia used during the procedure.

Why Do People Get a Rhinoplasty?

Some people get a rhinoplasty because they are unhappy with how their nose looks. Others will get the procedure to correct deformities from past trauma or correct a congenital defect. Most patients get the procedure to increase the size of their airways so they can breathe better.

Rhinoplasty Recovery

After a rhinoplasty, you will need to rest and recover with your head raised higher than your chest. Rhinoplasty surgery recovery time in Miami, FL, takes about one to four weeks. Most patients can go back to work after a week and feel healed after a month. 

Patients should expect some level of swelling around the nose that can last for a few months.

What Are the Risks Associated With a Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty risks are small, and surgical complications are unlikely to occur with the right care and attention to detail. Common risks include infection. Bleeding and reaction to anesthesia. You may also experience scarring around the incision site, but it’s nothing a little makeup can’t fix. In extremely rare cases, some patients will experience permanent numbing around the nose or get an uneven look after the procedure.

Preparing for a Rhinoplasty

Preparing your body for surgery increases your chances of a faster healing process and a good mental state during recovery. It is essential to give your doctor a complete and detailed medical history so they can chart the best medical care for you. The doctor will also perform a physical exam, and together, you can go over the possible results of the procedure.

Most patients forget to take a few before pictures to compare with the rhinoplasty results. Take pictures from different angles that show what you aim to fix. These pictures are important to gauge the success of the rhinoplasty and, consequently, the plastic surgeon’s skill.

A Good Candidate for a Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty patients should be past the growth phase and be in good health. It is also important that the patient does not smoke, as this may affect the healing process. Finally, a good rhinoplasty patient has realistic expectations of the rhinoplasty procedure.

Rhinoplasty Q&A

How long does a rhinoplasty take to heal?

In a week’s time, you can go back to work or resume basic daily activities. It usually takes about four weeks for your nose to feel like its old self again. Take it easy for the first few weeks because the swelling and inflammation might still be present even if you do not notice it.

Is a rhinoplasty different from a septoplasty?

A rhinoplasty is a surgery performed to change the shape of the nose. This procedure can be done to improve breathing as well as correctly position the nose. On the other hand, a septoplasty is performed to improve breathing by straightening out the wall inside the nose dividing the right and left nasal passages. Most surgeons will combine rhinoplasty with septoplasty for better results.

Will I need to stay in the hospital after a rhinoplasty?

Most rhinoplasty procedures are outpatient procedures, so you can go home the same day or as soon as your anesthesia wears off. In case of complications during or after the surgery, your surgeon will advise you to stay for further observation.

Does rhinoplasty leave scars?

Scars from a rhinoplasty are very small and barely visible to someone sitting across from you. The scarring usually occurs on the part of the nose that separates the nostrils because this is where most surgeons will make an incision. You can minimize the appearance of scars by avoiding smoking and alcohol and minimizing strenuous activity during the recovery process.

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